Q: What will the first session be like?

A: I like to start with a body analysis so I can determine a baseline for you. From there, we'll begin with basic exercises and movements.

Q: How many times a week do you recommend I work with you?

A: The rule of thumb is the more the better. I recommend three times a week, but not consecutively. Muscles usually need 48 hours of rest after a workout, so for a total body program I rotate the workout, focusing on different muscles and muscle groups each session.

Q: What if I need to cancel a session?

A: You can cancel a session at no charge as long as you give 24 hours notice.

Q: Can I train with a partner? Are the rates different?

A: Yes, you can. I offer both couples and group rates.

Q: How soon can I expect results?

A: Each person is different, depending on his/her body type and genetic makeup, but most clients see results in 3-6 months.

Q: How will my progress be monitored?

A: Your baseline will be charted and I will retest your body fat index and your strength every 3-4 weeks.

Q: I've never worked out at a gym before. Do I need to have any experience before working with you?

A: No! After all, that's what you're here for. All you need is a little space, some comfortable clothes and a pair of sneakers. I'll take it from there.

Q: I'm a new mother and can't get out a lot. In fact, my child is usually in the room with me. Can you work with me?

A: Yes. As long as your child doesn't distract you we can work together. In fact, I encourage your child to be in the room if that helps put you at ease.

Q: How old does my child need to be to start working with you?

A: Children should be about eight years old. That's when their motor neurons are developed enough to benefit from this kind of exercise program.

Q: My child doesn't enjoy sports and isn't particularly coordinated. Can a personal trainer really help him/her?

A: Yes. What I can do is help improve his/her motor neurons and movement. The side benefit is self-confidence and desire to participate in an active lifestyle. After all, success breeds more success.

Q: Can I work with a physical therapist or see a chiropractor while I am working with you?

A: A physical therapist will help you recover from an injury, whereas I work with people who are healed and want to build or rebuild their strength and stamina. My workouts are fully compatible with the work of a chiropractor, who helps relieve pain and restore physical functions and body comfort. In any case, you should check with your health care professional to figure out the best course for you.